Distance Education

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, in the Senate meeting dated 07.09.2020, it was decided to apply the 2020-2021 Academic Year Fall Semester courses as Distance Education - Simultaneous (Online) in order to carry out the education and training processes at our University in a healthy way. Click for the decision announcement.


Training videos, guides, information and explanations for the use of Microsoft Teams application are made on https://e-egitim.trakya.edu.tr/.


Types of Exams

1. English Language Teaching 2020-2021 Fall Semester Midterms


Microsoft Teams User Guides

1. Student user manual

2. Academic user manual


Online Exams and Assignments

1. The way the exams are conducted

2. Checking time limits

3. Setting time limits

4. Procedures and principles regarding online exams and assignments

5. Principles and rules for the conduction of online exams and assignments

This content was issued on 01.04.2021 and has been viewed for 232 times.